New Here?

Welcome Home. 

We are so excited to meet you!

We know trying something new can be intimidating and nerve wracking, so our desire at Encounter Church is to make your first experience a great one!



243 Collier Rd
Toccoa, GA 30577


(706) 886-1100

Service Times

Sundays @ 10am

Wednesdays @ 6:30pm

What To Expect on Sunday Morning

On Sundays, our services take place in the Main Building. You can park wherever you would like and walk in our front or side door. You will be welcomed by a greeter that can help you navigate our campus. If you have a child we have a Kids Check in as soon as you walk in the door. We will get a little information, check them in and walk you to our children's area. If you need a boost we have a cafe right off of our foyer area. You can grab any kind of coffee drink made by our baristas or we have a refrigerator full of sodas, water, and energy drinks. We would love for you to come and hang out with us. We start our Worship Experience @ 10:00. Below we have some common questions and answers that will help you further understand what to expect.

  • We do not have a set way of dressing. We have people that wear gym shorts and a t -shirt, while others wear more of a casual style. You will fit in whatever way you decide to dress. We just desire you to come as you are.

  • We start at 10AM and our worship and prayer time normally lasts 35 minutes. Following worship we have a time of giving, announcements, and meet & greet. This portion of our service lasts around 10 minutes. Our meet and greet is an opportunity to meet people around you and hopefully make a connection. Following meet and greet our Pastor or Staff members preach a God inspired message that is 35-45 minutes, which concludes with some type of altar call. The Worship team concludes the Experience with all of us worshiping together. Our services normally last around an hour and forty minutes, which gets you out just in time to go grab some lunch.

  • Ages 0-3 go to our nursery, which is upstairs from our main auditorium, while our 3-12 year olds go to the E-Kids area across the parking lot. They start off with games, dancing, and worship. After this component our 3-5 year olds go to their own class, while the older kids stay in the E-Kids room. At this point they do a lesson that consists of arts & crafts, Bible reading, and different hands-on activities. If you have any further questions please ask some of our leaders.

  • We have a contemporary worship style, with a focus on the Holy Spirit moving throughout the congregation.

  • We believe that every individual has a purpose and contributes to the Body of Christ, so our desire is for each individual that walks through that door to find their place in our Church. We will have you fill out a Connect Card and contact you to discuss the next steps. Also, in our lobby and on our website you can sign up to join a Small Group.

We are a multigenerational church and accept all different types of people. Our heart and desire is for all individuals to feel like this is home to them. Take the opportunity to come visit and become a part of this thriving community of believers.

What to expect on Wednesday Evening

  • We have two small groups for adults on Wednesday Night. One is in our cafe in the main building and it is focused on young adults, and the other is focused on the older generation who meet in the sanctuary for a Bible Study.

  • For our boys we have Royal Rangers, which meet in our administrative building. Our Royal Rangers have an emphasis on teaching life skills to the boys that will help them grow in Christ and as a young man. This involves ages 3-12 and they have multiple classes to accommodate each age group.

  • Our girls have a Girls Ministry available, which meets in our administrative building. Our Girls Ministry is focused on teaching the girls life skills and they study the Bible together. They do a lot of arts and crafts that help the kids better understand the Bible. This involves ages 3-12 and they have multiple classes to accommodate each age group.

  • Ages 0-3 meet upstairs in our nursery. They have all kinds of toys and games for our babies. We have a separate side for non-walkers, so they can have their own space. The walkers have a slide and different fun things to accommodate them. They sing songs and dance together.

  • Our E-Students consist of 6th-12th graders. They play games, worship, and hear a Jesus focused sermon. After the sermon they split off into small groups to discuss what they have learned.

We have something for all ages. Please contact our church office with any questions.

Ready to visit?

Plan Your Visit to Our Church!

Plan your experience today and we will:

  • Give you more information about the service 🚙

  • Connect and answer any questions 💒

  • Help you pre-register kids if you have any 👦🏼

  • Have our greeter team waiting for you 🤝

So hit the button now to plan your experience!